
Long shaft deep well pump before the check of the provisions

Long shaft deep well pump before the check in place to note from the following aspects:
The diameter of the well should be within 50mm of the maximum dimension of the pumped well, so that the pump body can freely move up and down in the well and shall not damage the dive cable;
Second, the well tube tube out the base corresponding plane should not be less than 25 mm;
Third, between the well pipe and the base should be put soft isolation layer;
Fourth, the size of the middle of the top of the base should be left to meet the pumping pipe and pump base connection needs;
Fifth, the well should be free of sludge and dirt, debris;
Sixth, the water pipe should be straight, thread and flange end should not bumps, and should be cleaned;
7, the long shaft deep well pump should still make the following checks;
1, the end of the pump shaft should be smooth, the shaft at both ends of the support, the radial radial should not be greater than 0.2 mm; thread should not bumps, and should be cleaned;
2, the bearing bracket and rubber bearings should be intact, rubber bearings should not be contaminated with grease.
8, submersible pump should still make the following checks:
1, the flange on the protection of the cable groove, no burrs or sharp corners, and should be clean;
2, the electrical connector should be immersed in water for 6 hours, with 5000 volt shaking table measurement, insulation resistance should not be less than 5 megohm;
3, the motor stator windings immersed in water at room temperature for 48 hours, the chassis insulation resistance should not be less than 40 megohm.

